Winter Specials: Big Price Savings and Covid Safe

Now that Social Distancing regulations have been eased we can return to full capacity so to celebrate we are offering winter price reductions!

That means you can escape your house and enjoy a great day out on the water, be Covid Safe with our Contactless QR Code Checkin AND get huge savings!

Temporary Prices Only Until 30 September

  • Deluxe up to 10 people $400 (was $475)
  • Luxury up to 12 people $450 (was $525)
  • Ultimate up to 12 people $500 (was $575)
  • Skippered Funboat up to 20 people plus the captain $1195 (was $1375)
    The cost includes fuel and gst

Phone Bookings Only

Call 0417780260 to book or enquire.